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Sarah Grace Kotzamani


I’ve always loved movement, animals — and also sharing things I’m excited about with other people.

I went to art school, where (besides the sculpture-making, of course) I got fascinated by human anatomy, my first yoga classes, and Capoeira. That was a great time – art school by day, Capoeira by night!

I became a Pilates teacher in 2006, and since 2011 a Hendrickson Method® massage therapist.  I love helping people enjoy and understand their own bodies, doing whatever they love, pain-free.

I’ve been a Restorative Exercise Specialist certified by Nutritious Movement™ since 2013.  Studying with Katy Bowman has given me paradigm-shattering new ways to teach people how to help themselves, and for me that is the most thrilling, and deeply satisfying goal.

Why Kalikalos? Kalikalos (especially the Anilio campus) is in the thick of inspiration for natural movement, with the incredible beauty of the Greek mountain forest and sky, the old rough pathways down to the welcoming sea, and the heartfelt community activities built into the workings of Kalikalos. I am half Greek, and though I’m currently in California I’ve lived a lot of my life in Greece and love it like home.


Sarah Kotzamani, certified by Katy Bowman/Nutritious Movement as RES-CPT (Restorative Exercise teacher), Move Your DNA teacher, and also Healthy Foot Practitioner™; is also a certified Pilates and Original Strength teacher and advanced Massage Therapist, specializing in the Hendrickson Method® and McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release
